Thursday, September 12, 2013

United We Spy

Title: United We Spy (Gallagher Girls #6)
Author: Ally Carter
Genre: YA
Rating: 5/5
Cover: 9/10

What is a Gallagher Girl?

As Cammie, Bex, Liz, Macey and Zach hurtle towards their biggest and last adventure, the future is looming in the distance, and Cammie will do everything in her power to run from her.
But sometimes even a chameleon has to stop changing colours and face the music... or does she?

I honestly, seriously loved this book. I blew through it so fast, I kind of want to go back and start again.
Zach, oh Zach... if only real boys like that existed. Liz was amazing, to see her grow and develop into the powerful woman I knew she would end up being. Bex just yanked my heart and twisted. She really is that best friend we all want if we don't have one like her, and if we do, the one we treasure more than anything in the world, because they know us better than anyone else. Macey hasn't changed one iota - which I loved.

The Circle is closing in again, and as the group runs against the time to try and stop Catherine Goode from killing off all the Inner Circle members, a bigger and darker truth starts to be uncovered. Who do you trust when the Circle is everywhere? And most importantly, who do you save, and who do you hunt - the Circle members, who are trying their hardest to instigate WW3, or Catherine, who is on a psychopathic mission of cold, calculated deaths - of Circle members and their progeny alike.

When the world is your backyard, there are few places to hide. And Cammie has the best team behind her. But can a group of adolescents take down a powerful group of terrorists with moles in every government and secret agency in the world?
They can, if they're Gallagher Girls.

So, what is a Gallagher Girl? She's whatever the hell she wants to be!

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